Program > Tuesday june 21th

Tuesday 21 juin 2022

9:00-12:30 - "2012-2022 - 10 Years of OHM Results" (1/2)

9:00-9:30: MOVE-Nunavik : MOVEs of VErsants in NUNAVIK : hazards and risks by Armelle Decaulne et Najat  Bhiry

9:30-10:00: Dilemmas in designing engagement: sharing reflections about Agorarisk by Sofia Bento, Lúcia Fernandes, Christelle Gramaglia, Teresa Melo, Katrin Erdlenbruch and Cristina Killinger

10:00-10:30: Stakeholder participation, indicators, assessment, and decision-making: applying adaptive management at the watershed scale (Priliminary title) by Larry Fisher and Adriana Zuniga

10h30-11h00 - Coffee break

11:00-11:30: Remediation and biotechnological valorisation of bauxite residues from Gardanne by Steven Criquet Clement Levard et Blanche Collin

11:30-12:00:  Restoration of the Rhone River: a successful transdisciplinarity within the OHM "Vallée du Rhône"? by Marylise Cottet et Jérémie Riquier

12:00-12:30: Multi-century trajectory of the Upper Rhine river hydrosystem through the interdisciplinary study of the fine sediments of its alluvial plain by Cassandra Euzen* et al.

12:30 -2:00 - Lunchtime

2:00-6:00 - "2012-2022 - 10 Years of OHM Results" (2/2)

2:00-2:30 : Impact of environmental perturbances on frugivore vertebrate wildlife and dung beetles nearby Saint-Georges-de-l'Oyapock : a review of 2013-2022 results and perspectives by Pierre-Michel Forget, Christophe Baltzinger, Opale Coutant, Eric Guilbert, Olivier Montreuil et Marie Séguigne

2:30-3:00: Ecological and human determinants of tick distribution and associated pathogens in two contrasting areas of the Pays de Bitche in Moselle by Pascale Bauda

3:00-3:30: Dynamics of ecosystem services and plant diversity over the past 200 years by Florence Mazier*, Yael Schwertz, Stéphane Binet, Cédric Gaucherel, Didier Galop, François Gillet, Thomas Houet,  Emilie Lerigoleur, Clara Plancher, Magali Philippe, Clélia Sirami

3:30-4:00: Ecosystem restoration in the Sahel: a comparative study of fauna - flora interactions and their evolution over time by Aliou Guissé, Papa Ibnou Ndiaye et Martine Hossaërt

4:00-4:30 - Coffee break

4:30-5:00: The mangrove in Guadeloupe, an ecosystem suspended to anthropic pressures and climatic hazards by Michael Vitilingom,  Pascal-Jean Lopez

5:00-5:30: Geographical-environmental interactions in the Exploradores Valley: approaches to settlement, resource exploitation and ways of living in western Patagonia by Jorge Olea

5:30-6:00: The lagoon socio-ecosystems: a review of 10 years of research within the OHM Littoral Méditerranéen by Stéphane Ghiotti, Nathalie Bouttin, Vanina Pasqualini

6:00- 7:00 -  OHM Films (2/2)

"Under the bridge" in presence of Damien Davy

"The Great Green Wall", "Food and multipurpose gardens" and "Sociology and market economy" in presence of Gilles Boetsch, Aliou Guisse, Priscilla Duboz, Papa Ibnou Ndiaye and  Birane Cisse

8h – Gala dinner


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