Program > Wednesday june 22thWednesday june 22th9:00-11:30 - "Scientific mediation" session
Animated by Armelle Decaulne, Jean-Yves Lena and Corinne Pardo
11:00-11:25 - "Educational issues within the OHM" by Jean-Yves Lena - Trainer, Researcher, ESPE-IUFM Designer - Toulouse 2 University, UMR 5600 GEODE. Conclusion 11h30-11h45 - Coffee break 11h45-12h45 - Closing of the symposium – Chairwoman: A. Decaulne
11:45-12:30 - Discussion with the scientific council of Labex DRIIHM Poster awards ceremony (Scientific Council Prize, Public Prize and Student/PhD student Prize) 12:30-12:45 - Conclusion by Armelle Decaulne et Stéphane Blanc 12:45-14:00 – Lunchtime |
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